I\'ve got a Cucumber Step class that i\'m attempting to initialise a page model for all scenarios. So I added a @Before annotated method :
private void
I know this issue is old, but in case somebody runs into the same problem using IntelliJ:
Check the "Glue"-Property in your Run/Debug Configuration.
This is the list of paths that Glue (the autowirering-system from Cucumber) uses to find Classes to wire.
It seems like IntelliJ is generating this property, if it is not specifically defined in the the Template for "Cucumber Java"-Configs.
I don't know how it is generated, but for me the package that contains my class with the Before-Method in question did not exist. After adding it everything worked normally.
Found out more background-info. The IntelliJ Cucumber Plugin does not use Junit oder TestNG, but his own implemented runner suite. This runner does NOT interepret the Annotation-Based configurations from Cucumber, only the ones from the Cucumber Property-File or System-Properties. The TestNG-Suite however always overwrites the Glue-Path, not matter if it was actually set or is present. The most consistent way I found was to configure it both using annotations and properties. That way you are always sure that you're config ist used (Gradle-Runner, TestNG-Runner, IntellijCucumber-Runner)