I just walk-through with the installation of Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu using RVM.
First I have logged in as the root user.
Then I started with the f
Is generally not recommend to install RVM as a root user because of umask security risk. Try running these commands as a user.
Downloading RVM (Do not sudo this command)
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails
Then you'll need to add the location to sources(You'll probably need to reload your bash for rvm to work)
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
You can install your desired version like so(replace ruby_version with one you would like to install, eg 2.1.4)
rvm install ruby_version
To list the available version on your machine
rvm list
To use a version of ruby run
rvm use ruby_version
If you have any trouble refere to the RVM website