What is the proper way to initialize unsigned char*
? I am currently doing this:
unsigned char* tempBuffer;
tempBuffer = \"\";
If you know the size of the buffer at compile time:
unsigned char buffer[SIZE] = {0};
For dynamically allocated buffers (buffers allocated during run-time or on the heap):
1.Prefer the new
unsigned char * buffer = 0; // Pointer to a buffer, buffer not allocated.
buffer = new unsigned char [runtime_size];
2.Many solutions to "initialize" or fill with a simple value:
std::fill(buffer, buffer + runtime_size, 0); // Prefer to use STL
memset(buffer, 0, runtime_size);
for (i = 0; i < runtime_size; ++i) *buffer++ = 0; // Using a loop
3.The C language side provides allocation and initialization with one call.
However, the function does not call the object's constructors:
buffer = calloc(runtime_size, sizeof(unsigned char))
Note that this also sets all bits in the buffer to zero; you don't get a choice in the initial value.