I am looking for a way to get an exact up-to-date list of all Node.js core modules. Is there an NPM module that supplies such a running list? Somewhere in the annals of my life
If you don't mind accessing underscore-prefixed properties, repl
exports a _builtinLibs
$ node -pe "require('repl')._builtinLibs" [ 'assert', 'buffer', 'child_process', 'cluster', 'crypto', 'dgram', 'dns', 'domain', 'events', 'fs', 'http', 'https', 'net', 'os', 'path', 'punycode', 'querystring', 'readline', 'stream', 'string_decoder', 'tls', 'tty', 'url', 'util', 'v8', 'vm', 'zlib' ]
That list isn't as "complete" as the list provided by the builtin-modules
module in that it does not include undocumented and similar modules.