Python 2.7.10
I wrote the following code to test a simple callback function.
def callback(a, b):
print(\'Sum = {0}\'.format(a+b))
def main(
The problem is that you're evaluating the callback before you pass it as a callable. One flexible way to solve the problem would be this:
def callback1(a, b):
print('Sum = {0}'.format(a+b))
def callback2(a):
print('Square = {0}'.format(a**2))
def callback3():
print('Hello, world!')
def main(callback=None, cargs=()):
print('Calling callback.')
if callback != None:
main(callback1, cargs=(1, 2))
main(callback2, cargs=(2,))
Optionally you may want to include a way to support keyword arguments.