First off, I know my title can be formulated better, but my math classes are so far gone I can\'t remember the correct words anymore..
I need to do something like this (
With LINQ:
int dotProduct = digits1.Zip(digits2, (d1, d2) => d1 * d2)
will produce a streaming sequence containing the products of corresponding elements from both arrays, which is then summed into an integer with Sum
Note that this will not fail like it should when the arrays of unequal length, so you probably need to validate the input:
//null checks here
if(digits1.Length != digits2.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("...");
As Jeff M points out,Enumerable.Zip
was only added to the framework in .NET 4.0. In .NET 3.5, you can do this (the idea is only efficient for collections that expose fast indexers):
int dotProduct = Enumerable.Range(0, digits1.Length)
.Sum(i => digits1[i] * digits2[i]);
//from Jeff M's comment:
int dotProduct = digits1.Select((n, i) => n * digits2[i])