I checked on the stackExchange description, and algorithm questions are one of the allowed topics. So here goes.
Given an input of a range, where begin and ending number
Here is a recursive solution in python, which works for an arbitrary range of positive numbers. The idea is to divide the range into three sub-ranges:
to all generated regular expressions afterwardsThe code below even optimizes ranges of single values like [1-1]
to 1
. The function to call is genRangeRegex
(start is inclusive, end is exclusive):
def regexRangeDigits(start,stop):
if start == stop:
return str(start)
return '[%d-%d]' % (start,stop)
# generate list of regular expressions for the number range [start,end[
def genRangeRegex(start, end):
if start <= 0:
raise ValueError('only ranges of positive numbers supported')
print 'getting regex list for range [%d,%d[' % (start,end)
if start >= end:
return []
digitsStart = str(start)
digitsEnd = str(end)
lastDigitStart = start%10
if start//10 == (end-1)//10: # integer division
lastDigitStop = (end-1)%10
regexAll = digitsStart[:-1] + regexRangeDigits(lastDigitStart,lastDigitStop)
print ' regexAll = %s' % regexAll
return [regexAll]
regexListStart = [] # at most one regular expression for going up to first multiple of 10
if lastDigitStart != 0:
regexStart = digitsStart[:-1] + regexRangeDigits(lastDigitStart,9)
print ' regexStart = %s' % regexStart
regexListEnd = [] # at most one regular expression for going up from last multiple of 10
lastDigitEnd = end%10
if lastDigitEnd != 0:
regexEnd = digitsEnd[:-1] + regexRangeDigits(0,lastDigitEnd-1)
print ' regexEnd = %s' % regexEnd
regexListMidTrunc = genRangeRegex((start+9)//10, end//10)
regexListMid = [r+'[0-9]' for r in regexListMidTrunc]
return regexListStart + regexListMid + regexListEnd
And here an example output how the function works:
>>> genRangeRegex(12,231)
getting regex list for range [12,231[
regexStart = 1[2-9]
regexEnd = 230
getting regex list for range [2,23[
regexStart = [2-9]
regexEnd = 2[0-2]
getting regex list for range [1,2[
regexAll = 1
['1[2-9]', '[2-9][0-9]', '1[0-9][0-9]', '2[0-2][0-9]', '230']