Assuming a URL of:
PHP can read the request variables val1
using the GET array.
Is the ha
Simple test, accessing http://localhost:8000/hello?foo=bar#this-is-not-sent-to-server
python -c "import SimpleHTTPServer;SimpleHTTPServer.test()"
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...
localhost - - [02/Jun/2009 12:48:47] code 404, message File not found
localhost - - [02/Jun/2009 12:48:47] "GET /hello?foo=bar HTTP/1.1" 404 -
The server receives the request without the #appendage - anything after the hash tag is simply an anchor lookup on the client.
You can find the anchor name used within the URL via javascript using, as an example:
The parse_url() function in PHP can work if you already have the needed URL string including the fragment (
echo parse_url("http://foo?bar#fizzbuzz",PHP_URL_FRAGMENT);
Output: fizzbuzz
But I don't think PHP receives the fragment information because it's client-only.