I\'m in need of a list of weak references that deletes items when they die. Currently the only way I have of doing this is to keep flushing the list (removing dead references ma
How do you plan on using B
? The only thing I ever do with the weakref list I built is iterate over it, so its implementation is simple:
import weakref
class WeakRefList(object):
"weakref psuedo list"
def __init__(yo):
yo._items = list()
def __iter__(yo):
yo._items = [s for s in yo._items if s() is not None]
return (s() for s in yo._items if s() is not None)
def __len__(yo):
yo._items = [s for s in yo._items if s() is not None]
return len(yo._items)
def append(yo, new_item):
yo._items = [s for s in yo._items if s() is not None]