I am writing a batch script that will loop through each line of a text file, (each line containing a filename) check if the file exists and then runs the file and moves it.
This is designed to execute the %%i item only if it exists and follow through with checking for errors and move or log. if the %%i item doesn't exist then it will do nothing.
REM Loop through each line of input.txt
FOR /F "tokens=1-3 delims=, " %%i IN (.\ready\input.txt) DO (
ECHO Check %%i exists, execute it if it does
if exist .\ready\%%i (
call .\ready\%%i
ECHO Move %%i to archive if no error occured
if not errorlevel 1 (
copy .\ready\%%i .\archive\%mydate%_%mytime%_%%j_%%k_%%i
) else (
ECHO Copy line of text to the new output.txt file if an error occurred
>>output.txt %%i, %%j, %%k