I am embarking upon a NLP project for sentiment analysis.
I have successfully installed NLTK for python (seems like a great piece of software for this). However,I am hav
The movie review data has already been marked by humans as being positive or negative (the person who made the review gave the movie a rating which is used to determine polarity). These gold standard labels allow you to train a classifier, which you could then use for other movie reviews. You could train a classifier in NLTK with that data, but applying the results to election tweets might be less accurate than randomly guessing positive or negative. Alternatively, you can go through and label a few thousand tweets yourself as positive or negative and use this as your training set.
For a description of using Naive Bayes for sentiment analysis with NLTK: http://streamhacker.com/2010/05/10/text-classification-sentiment-analysis-naive-bayes-classifier/
Then in that code, instead of using the movie corpus, use your own data to calculate word counts (in the word_feats