I am using Spring Security for permission checking on methods. I would like to call a private method to collect some data to send to hasPermission()
method. Followi
You will not be able to call a private method, but you will be able to call a method in another spring bean. In my app I have an @Component named permissionEvaluator. I then reference it in a @PreAuthorize like so:
@PreAuthorize("@permissionEvaluator.canViewImageSet( #imageSet, principal )")
@RequestMapping(value="/image", method=RequestMethod.GET )
public String getImage(
@RequestParam(value="imageSet", required=false) ImageSet imageSet ) {
// method body
PermissionEvaluatorImpl looks like this:
public class PermissionEvaluatorImpl implements PermissionEvaluator
public PermissionEvaluatorImpl() {}
* Determine if a user can view a given image.
public boolean canViewImageSet( ImageSet imageSet, UserDetailsAdapter user )
// code to see if they should view this image
and PermissionEvaluator is my own interface with nothing special, just whatever methods I need to evaluate.