Is there an sample code that shows unit testing a controller that inherits from the api controller? I am trying to unit test a POST but it is failing. I believe I need to set up
I've created a general solution for calling some action and getting HttpResponseMessage
as Dictionary
which is very convenient for usage.
First some extension for the dictionary
public static class DictionaryExtensions
public static void AddRange(this Dictionary source,
Dictionary collection)
if (collection == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("Collection is null");
foreach (var item in collection)
source.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
Now request creating part:
public class RequestCreator
protected static void FirstPart(ApiController controller,
HttpMethod method,String actionUrl)
// Creating basic request message with message type and requesting
// url example : 'http://www.someHostName/UrlPath/'
controller.Request = new HttpRequestMessage(method, actionUrl);
// Adding configuration for request
Add(HttpPropertyKeys.HttpConfigurationKey,new HttpConfiguration());
protected static Dictionary SecondPart
(HttpResponseMessage response)
// Adding basic response content to dictionary
var resultCollection = new Dictionary
var responseContent = response.Content;
// If response has content then parsing it and
// getting content properties
if (null != responseContent)
var resultMessageString = response.Content.
resultCollection.AddRange((new JavaScriptSerializer()).
as Dictionary);
return resultCollection;
And finally response message to dictionary converter class
public class HttpResponseModelGetter : RequestCreator
public Dictionary
GetActionResponse(ApiController controller,HttpMethod method,
String actionUrl,Func callBack)
FirstPart(controller, method, actionUrl);
var response = callBack();
return SecondPart(response);
public class HttpResponseModelGetter : RequestCreator
public Dictionary
GetActionResponse(ApiController controller,HttpMethod method,
String actionUrl,Func callBack,T param)
FirstPart(controller, method, actionUrl);
var response = callBack(param);
return SecondPart(response);
public class HttpResponseModelGetter : RequestCreator
public Dictionary
GetActionResponse(ApiController controller,HttpMethod method,
String actionUrl,Func callBack,
T1 param1,T2 param2)
FirstPart(controller, method, actionUrl);
var response = callBack(param1,param2);
return SecondPart(response);
//and so on...
and usage :
var responseGetter = new HttpResponseModelGetter();
var result = responseGetter.GetActionResponse(controller,HttpMethod.Get,
Boolean isComplete = Boolean.Parse(result["isComplete"].ToString());