In my current company there isn\'t clear understanding between the test and development teams as to how severe a bug should be? There are arguments which go back and forth to re
I had the same issue with one of our customers. In the end we set up a document together describing what kind of bugs would match to a certain severity. Aside from an occasional discussion using this document as a guideline appears to work.
But be well aware that test teams and development teams may have very different opinions on what is a severe bug and what is not. From the point of view of the testers a small layout bug can be high priority when a developer would just say that no one will notice.
In our document those bugs can be high priority if they are "brand damaging", i.e. if the layout bug is in the logo or one of the products then it is severe - if it's just a paragraph on the page that is 2 pixels off then it's not.