Knowing the jQuery Caret plugin, I\'m still seeing no way to do the following on a single line text box in HTML (i.e. the input:type=text
control) with JavaScript:<
It's not possible to implement this behavior cross-browser. FireFox supports the KeyboardEvent.initKeyPress method, which allows key events to be simulated.
See the comments at the function below for an explanation. I've successfully tested this function in FireFox 3.6.22, 7.0.1 and Chrome 14.
The function itself is plugin-independent. Fiddle:
/* @name caretAtEnd
* @description Places caret at the end
* @param elem DOM element
* @param focus boolean, optional. If true, the element will be focused.
function caretAtEnd(elem, focus){
var value = elem.value;
//Add an extra character to the input field (necessary for this method)
// An additional advantage is that the caret automatically moves to the end
elem.value = elem.value + ".";
try {
// Create and simulate/trigger a [Backspace] keypress event.
var evt = document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");
evt.initKeyEvent("keypress", 1, 1, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0);
} catch(e){
//The current key event is not supported yet. Change back the value
// In some browsers, the caret is at the end after executing this code.
elem.value = value;
//Optionally, Focus on the element
if(focus) elem.focus();
var element = $("#yourInputElement")[0]; //Important: Get the DOM element!