In the game Hangman, is it the case that a greedy letter-frequency algorithm is equivalent to a best-chance-of-winning algorithm?
Is there ever a case where it\'s worth
Assume the following dictionary: ABC ABD AEF EGH
. (I'll capitalize unguessed letters.)
Assume you have only 1 life (makes the proof so much easier...).
The algorithm proposed above:
Starting with A
, you lose (1/4) or are left with aBC aBD aEF
Now guess B
and lose (1/3) or are left with abC abD
Now guess C
or D
and you lose (1/2) or win (1/2).
Probability to win: 3/4 * 2/3 * 1/2 = 1/4.
Now try something else:
Starting with E
, you lose (1/2) or are left with AeF eGH
Now you know what to guess and win.
Probability to win: 1/2.
Clearly the proposed algorithm is not optimal.