Why is the exception in
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
object TestExceptionHandling {
I'm now using a custom Supervision.Decider
that makes sure exceptions are properly logged, that can be set up like this:
val decider: Supervision.Decider = { e =>
logger.error("Unhandled exception in stream", e)
implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem()
val materializerSettings = ActorMaterializerSettings(actorSystem).withSupervisionStrategy(decider)
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer(materializerSettings)(actorSystem)
Also, as has been pointed out by Vikor Klang, in the example given above, the exception could also be "caught" via
Source(List(1, 2, 3)).map { i =>
if (i == 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("Please, don't swallow me!")
} else {
}.runForeach { i =>
println(s"Received $i")
}.onComplete {
case Success(_) =>
case Failure(e) =>
println(s"Failed with $e")
Note however, that this approach won't help you with
Source(List(1, 2, 3)).map { i =>
if (i == 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("Please, don't swallow me!")
} else {
}.to(Sink.foreach { i =>
println(s"Received $i")
since run()
returns Unit