I have a very basic question about django.db.models
In this official django tutorial, if you search for word \"choice_set
\", you will see tha
In the Document you are referring https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.2/intro/tutorial01/#intro-tutorial01
'_set' refers to the all the choices that relates to the Poll object, Since the Choice model has poll that is a Foreign Key to Poll of ID.
For Example:
Consider Poll table row(1,'How are you?','2014 7 3')
and Choice table
when you say
p = Poll.objects.get(id=1)
//now p is a Poll Object that holds <1,'How are you?','2014 7 3'> p.choice_set.create(choice="1st",votes=8) // in Choice table it creates a row that refers poll ID 1 i.e Choice table row(1,1,'1st',8)
Basically _set refers to the tuples of the Choice table (poll) referring Poll table (ID)