Hello everybody I am learning DB2 and would like to know how to see a table\'s characteristics after I create one.
Similar to the EXPLAIN TABLE command in MySQL.
All that metadata is held in the DB2 catalog tables in the SYSIBM
'schema'. It varies for the DB2/z mainframe product and the DB2/LUW distributed product but they're coming closer and closer with each release.
IBM conveniently place all their manuals up on the publib
site for the world to access. My area of expertise, DB2/z, has the pages you want here.
There are a number of tables there that you'll need to reference:
SYSTABLES for table information.
SYSINDEXPART + for index information.
SYSCOLUMNS for column information.
The list of all information centers is here which should point you to the DB2/LUW version if that's your area of interest.