I am trying to figure out what the best method is for writing an XML Document. Below is a simple example of what I am trying to create off of data I am pulling from our ERP syst
Josh's answer shows how easy it is to create a single element in LINQ to XML... it doesn't show how it's also hugely easy to create multiple elements. Suppose you have a List
called orders
... you can create the whole document like this:
var xml = new XElement("Orders",
orders.Select(order =>
new XElement("Order",
new XAttribute("OrderNumber", order.OrderNumber),
new XElement("ItemNumber", order.ItemNumber),
new XElement("QTY", order.Quantity),
new XElement("Warehouse", order.Warehouse)
LINQ to XML makes constructing XML incredibly easy. It also has support for XML namespaces which is pretty easy too. For instance, if you wanted your elements to be in a particular namespace, you'd just need:
XNamespace ns = "http://your/namespace/here";
var xml = new XElement(ns + "Orders",
orders.Select(order =>
new XElement(ns + "Order",
... (rest of code as before)
LINQ to XML is the best XML API I've worked with... it's great for querying too.