nexus or artifactory with nuget?

后端 未结 2 605
难免孤独 2021-02-04 02:43

I am trying to introduce decent reference management to my organisation. Having used Nexus with Maven before, I know it to be far superior to the method of building everythi

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-04 03:24

    This is what we found out last time we compared the NuGet support in Artifactory vs. Nexus (disclaimer - I'm with JFrog):

    1. In Artifactory the NuGet support is naturally integrated into the product, which makes management much easier - just mark a local repository as NuGet enabled or set the remote URL for a remote repo. Multiple NuGet repositories can be easily aggregated under a single virtual NuGet repo - same approach used with any other repo in Artifactory; In Nexus, you will need to define a new type of repository, set up a new dedicated security realm, and if you need an existing repository to also answer NuGet requests you have to add a special facade to it. This is a general approach in Nexus where every new type of repository (such as P2) requires multi-level configuration changes.

    2. There is absolutely no integration for NuGet packages in the Nexus UI. You cannot even search for NUGet artifacts, which is crucial for management and maintenance (which is why searching only from Visual Studio cannot be enough). This is mainly due to the fact that Nexus is highly oriented towards Maven and the Maven layout; In Artifactory, you can search and manage NuGet packages like any other artifacts. You can view information from the nuspec metadata in the UI and even drill down into the content of individual files under a NuPkg package, and inspect their content.

    3. Security integration is also easier in Artifactory - there is no need to manually generate a special key, but the key is just the combination of the username and password or a secure password. This is great if you want your users NuGet passwords to be synced with Artifactory's MS-AD/LDAP integration; In Nexus NuGet uses an isolated security realm.

    4. Artifactory implements the complete range of NuGet searches, including the more esoteric but useful use-cases, and the underlying implementation uses a combination of in-memory caches and persistent, pre-calculated, searchable properties to make sure NuGet queries are very fast and scalable even for a huge repository; Not sure if Nexus uses similar optimizations.

    I hope that helps.

    PS. NuGet support is part of the Pro versions of Artifactory, and included for free in Nexus OSS since september 2014.
