I am trying to implement PushNotificationIOS with a detached Expo app. I am running SDK 21.0.0 (React Native 0.48).
I am getting React/RCTEventEmitter file not fou
@Dan I have ran into this exact same issue, it also occurs for RCTLinking, and other libraries dependent on eventEmitter.h and a detached Expo project.
The issue turns out to be that RCTPushNotification doesn't have the reference to React from Cocoapods file React since Expo manages React in Cocoapods. So you should go into RCTPushNotification.xcodeproj then into Targets - RCTPushNotification Header Search Paths and add the link to "ios/Pods/Headers/Public/React" and set to recursive.
The easiest way to do the above is navigate to your iOS/Pods/Headers/Public/React and drag and drop the folder straight into build settings for header search paths like the below image.
Heads up finally after this you will have to reference ReactCommon/yoga most likely as well, ReactCommon/yoga however should be in your 'node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga'