Floating point type represents a number by storing its significant digits and its exponent separately on separate binary words so it fits in 16, 32, 64 or 128 bits.
At the code level, fixed-point arithmetic is simply integer arithmetic with an implied denominator.
For many simple arithmetic operations, fixed-point and integer operations are essentially the same. However, there are some operations which the intermediate values must be represented with a higher number of bits and then rounded off. For example, to multiply two 16-bit fixed-point numbers, the result must be temporarily stored in 32-bit before renormalizing (or saturating) back to 16-bit fixed-point.
When the software does not take advantage of vectorization (such as CPU-based SIMD or GPGPU), integer and fixed-point arithmeric is faster than FPU. When vectorization is used, the efficiency of vectorization matters a lot more, such that the performance differences between fixed-point and floating-point is moot.
Some architectures provide hardware implementations for certain math functions, such as sin
, cos
, atan
, sqrt
, for floating-point types only. Some architectures do not provide any hardware implementation at all. In both cases, specialized math software libraries may provide those functions by using only integer or fixed-point arithmetic. Often, such libraries will provide multiple level of precisions, for example, answers which are only accurate up to N-bits of precision, which is less than the full precision of the representation. The limited-precision versions may be faster than the highest-precision version.