I have a Javascript object that requires 2 calls out to an external server to build its contents and do anything meaningful. The object is built such that instantiating an inst
That's some good stuff Mr. Kyle.
To put it a bit simpler, I usually use a Start and a Done function.
-The Start function takes a list of functions that will be executed.
-The Done function gets called by the callbacks of your functions that you passed to the start method.
-Additionally, you can pass a function, or list of functions to the done method that will be executed when the last callback completes.
The declarations look like this.
var PendingRequests = 0;
function Start(Requests) {
PendingRequests = Requests.length;
for (var i = 0; i < Requests.length; i++)
//Called when async responses complete.
function Done(CompletedEvents) {
if (PendingRequests == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < CompletedEvents.length; i++)
Here's a simple example using the google maps api.
var originAddress = "*Some address/zip code here*"; //Location A
var formattedAddress; //Formatted address of Location B
var distance; //Distance between A and B
var location; //Location B
//This is the start function above. Passing an array of two functions defined below.
Start(new Array(GetPlaceDetails, GetDistances));
//This function makes a request to get detailed information on a place.
//Then callsback with the **GetPlaceDetailsComplete** function
function GetPlaceDetails() {
var request = {
reference: location.reference //Google maps reference id
var PlacesService = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(Map);
PlacesService.getDetails(request, GetPlaceDetailsComplete);
function GetPlaceDetailsComplete(place, status) {
if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
formattedAddress = place.formatted_address;
Done(new Array(PrintDetails));
function GetDistances() {
distService = new google.maps.DistanceMatrixService();
origins: originAddress,
destinations: [location.geometry.location], //Location contains lat and lng
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING,
unitSystem: google.maps.UnitSystem.IMPERIAL,
avoidHighways: false,
avoidTolls: false
}, GetDistancesComplete);
function GetDistancesComplete(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.DistanceMatrixStatus.OK) {
distance = results[0].distance.text;
Done(new Array(PrintDetails));
function PrintDetails() {
alert(*Whatever you feel like printing.*);
So in a nutshell, what we're doing here is
-Passing an array of functions to the Start function
-The Start function calls the functions in the array and sets the number of PendingRequests
-In the callbacks for our pending requests, we call the Done function
-The Done function takes an array of functions
-The Done function decrements the PendingRequests counter
-If their are no more pending requests, we call the functions passed to the Done function
That's a simple, but practicle example of sychronizing web calls. I tried to use an example of something that's widely used, so I went with the Google maps api. I hope someone finds this useful.