I try like this:
$http({ method: \'POST\', url: \'/token\', data: { username: $scope.username, password: $scope.password, grant_type: \'password\' } }).success(f
1) Note the URL: "localhost:55828/token" (not "localhost:55828/API/token")
2) Note the request data. Its not in json format, its just plain data without double quotes. "userName=xxx@gmail.com&password=Test123$&grant_type=password"
3) Note the content type. Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' (not Content-Type: 'application/json')
4) When you use javascript to make post request, you may use following:
"userName=" + encodeURIComponent(email) +
"&password=" + encodeURIComponent(password) +
{headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }}
).success(function (data) {//...
See screenshots below from Postman:
Postman Request
Postman Request Header