My computer is running Ubuntu-16.04-LTS and OpenCV-2.4.13 is already installed on it. However, I would like to use the functionalities of newer versions of OpenCV, such as OpenC
Indeed, you're linking against system-default version of OpenCV.
Reconfigure your project by calling CMake with right path to file OpenCVConfig.cmake.
cmake /path/to/your/sources -DOpenCV_DIR=/home/ubuntu/opencv-3.2.0
Find file CMakeCache.txt
in your build directory. It contains internal CMake variables, OpenCV paths are also there.
Also, it is incorrect to hardcode paths. Use include_directories(${OPENCV_INCLUDE_DIRS})
And quotation from OpenCVConfig.cmake
- OpenCV_LIB_DIR : The directory(es) where lib files are. Calling LINK_DIRECTORIES with this path is NOT needed.