Hello I\'m attempting to simply put my content below the toolbar but at the moment when I run my application some of the content is hidden behind it when it should be below it.<
As @Brian Hoang and @Karakuri said using the layout_behaviour property:
seems to be a very good solution. Even if you don't have any animations at the moment but you plan to have in the future then you can still keep the CoordinatorLayout and an AppBarLayout in case you want to add animations in the future.
What the property seems to do in general from my understanding, is to calculate the height of the whole AppBarLayout UI component. The UI component that uses the layout_behaviour property with the @string/appbar_scrolling_view_behaviour will automatically be shown exactly below the AppBarLayout regardless of what the height is.
In this way there is no need to hardcode any top margins in the UI that is supposed to be under the AppBarLayout.
In the code below the include_app_bar_with_tabs_layout (AppBarLayout) has a fixed height of 200dp (it can be wrap_content or anything else). Then the RelativeLayout that contains the content of the screen uses the layout_behaviour property.
Have a look at the code and UI image below:
android:layout_height="200dp" />