I have an HTML form with a few fields. One of them is a textarea managed by CKEditor.
When the user wants to submit the form, I want to check whether he entered values
This is an old question but, since it's one of the first results in google, i think it would be helpful to update the answer for the latest versions of ckeditor, in my case ckeditor 5 version 11.0.1
The problem with ckeditor 5 is even when it's/looks empty, when submitting the form, it does'nt send an empty value as you may expect, but instead it send this string :
It's not what you want, especially when you want set some validations rules on the server side.
To avoid this headache, i use this snippet of code based on light-flight answer:
$(document).ready(function() {
var editorContainer = document.querySelector('#editor');
var check_if_empty = function(val) {
return $.makeArray($(val)).every(function(el) {
return el.innerHTML.replace(/ |\s/g, '').length === 0;
var clear_input_if_empty_content = function(input) {
var $form = $(input).parents('form');
$form.on('submit', function() {
if (check_if_empty($(input).val())) {
ClassicEditor.create( editorContainer )
.then(function(editor) {
.catch(function(error) {