I have been messing around with the Brave browser (https://www.brave.com/), an I cannot figure out how to determine how if a user is using Brave. I used a simp
Brave appears has some different objects in the window object. I'm not sure how contiguous these are across Brave versions, but I noted two in the window.navigator object that are blanked out: plugins and mimeTypes. Since Brave is meant to be a privacy browser I think it's a good chance these will remain blanked. So my check is to check the length of those.
Please note that you also need to check for the browser being desktop first; it doesn't seem you can detect the Brave Mobile browser; and the below code will pick up many mobile browsers
var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var isChrome = /chrome|crios/.test(agent) && ! /edge|opr\//.test(agent);
var isBrave = isChrome && window.navigator.plugins.length === 0 && window.navigator.mimeTypes.length === 0;
console.log( isBrave );
If you search DuckDuckGo for [what's my user agent] they will return Brave. If you open the attached JS files you will find an elaborate browser detection that can detect Brave.