I made a lightweight migration that I decided I don\'t want anymore. Is there any way to just delete the file? I\'ve already changed the current model version to the one befor
Yes - having done this a lot, to my knowledge the only way is to open up YourProject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj in your favourite raw text editor (vim ftw!), and search for and remove both instances of the offending model file. Ie:
D6A5760112F22213004DEDCE /* MyModel.xcdatamodeld */ = {
isa = XCVersionGroup;
children = (
D6EDB44614ED9D7E00C02938 /* MyModel-V12.xcdatamodel */,
D6931E6214D78135007F0E03 /* MyModel-V11.xcdatamodel */,
D61403DD14B7857100323E6D /* MyModel-V10.xcdatamodel */,
D675476B149BD1F3007C160C /* MyModel-V9.xcdatamodel */,
D6199DD5143DE428002869C1 /* MyModel-V8.xcdatamodel */,
currentVersion = D6EDB44614ED9D7E00C02938 /* MyModel-V12.xcdatamodel */;
name = MyModel.xcdatamodeld;
path = aPath/MyModel.xcdatamodeld;
sourceTree = "";
versionGroupType = wrapper.xcdatamodel;
So in this case, I go hunting for the two instances of D6199DD5143DE428002869C1
and delete them both from the project file, and bang: Bob's my uncle. Also - you can reorder that chunk of children above in case you want the current one higher.
After I do that, I typically execute a manual source repo delete command on just the model-V8 dir too.