I have one issue in MVC .
Currently I am working in MVC and the version is MVC4 . And I have 2 ActionResult Method, see below
public ActionRe
For the record, I had a similar issue in a class library with a reference to MVC. I installed a nuget package in the class library that itself had a dependency on MVC (note: the new package was: RazorGenerator.Mvc). Previously, the class library relied on a System.Web.Mvc.dll reference added using the 'Add Reference' dialogue rather than on one installed via the "Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc" nuget package.
Nuget chose the lowest MVC version that would meet the dependency requirements of the new package. That meant that the previous reference (to MVC 5) was replaced with a lower version reference (to MVC 3).
Upgrading the MVC version in the class library using nuget resolved the issue.