I cannot find \"do...while...\"
I have to code like this:
let bubbleSort a=
let n = Array.length a
let mutable swapped = true
let mutable i =
Although a bit more verbose, you can use recursive functions to avoid the "do while" as in :
let swap (a:int[]) i j =
let t = a.[i]
a.[i] <- a.[j]
a.[j] <- t
let rec bubbleSortAux a nMax j swapped =
if j >= 0 && j <= nMax then
if a.[j] > a.[j+1] then
swap a j (j+1)
bubbleSortAux a nMax (j+1) true
bubbleSortAux a nMax (j+1) false
let rec bubbleSortLoop a nMax =
if bubbleSortAux a nMax 0 false then
bubbleSortLoop a (nMax - 1)
let bubbleSort a =
bubbleSortLoop a (a.Length - 2)