Is there any program IDE or not that can format MySQL code inside PHP string e.g. I use PHPStorm IDE and it cannot do it.
It does that for PHP and MYSQL but not for MYS
Since your problem is to format an existing body of code, you don't need an IDE. You need a script to batch-process all your files once, and then you can forget about it. This is what the script needs to do:
Ideally, parts 1 and 3 should be handled by off-the-shelf modules. The rest should be easy to put together yourself, right?
Update: Explaining this made it sound so simple, I decided to do it myself. Here's a quick solution. It's in python, but if you were willing to switch IDEs you can deal with installing python, right?
Drag-and-drop any number of php files onto the script, or call it from the commandline, and it will filter the SQL bits through the SQLFormat API that @Parahat suggested. It edits the files in place, so keep a copy!
"""Format sql strings embedded in php code, editing source IN PLACE"""
import sys, re, urllib, urllib2
def processfile(fname):
with open(fname) as fp:
text =
with open(fname, "w") as out:
for token in chunk(text):
if is_sql_string(token):
token = token[0] + sqlformat(token[1:-1]) + token[0]
def sqlformat(query):
sqlapi = ''
return urllib2.urlopen(sqlapi+urllib.urlencode({'data':query})).read()
php_mode = False # global, so that is_sql_string() can examine it
def chunk(src):
"""Chunk the php file into interesting units"""
global php_mode
while src:
if not php_mode: # Read up to the next php group, if any
m = re.match(r".*?<\?php", src, re.S)
if m:
tok, src = _usematch(m, src)
yield tok
php_mode = True
else: # No more php groups: EOF
yield src
else: # Reading php code
# PHP ends without another string?
m = re.match(r"[^'\"]*?\?>", src, re.S)
if m:
tok, src = _usematch(m, src)
yield tok
php_mode = False
# at non-string material?
m = re.match(r"[^'\"]+", src)
if m:
tok, src = _usematch(m, src)
yield tok
# Parse a string: Smallest quote-delimited sequence,
# where closing quote is not preceded by backslash
m = re.match(r'".*?(?