I have a date textview. And my textview holds a date string like 2011.09.17. Well I still do want to have that but I also want to add some more user friendly info for some speci
For android Use JodaTime library in build.gradle file:
compile 'net.danlew:android.joda:2.9.9'
public static String formateddate(String date) {
DateTime dateTime = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd-MMM-yyyy").parseDateTime(date);
DateTime today = new DateTime();
DateTime yesterday = today.minusDays(1);
DateTime twodaysago = today.minusDays(2);
DateTime tomorrow= today.minusDays(-1);
if (dateTime.toLocalDate().equals(today.toLocalDate())) {
return "Today ";
} else if (dateTime.toLocalDate().equals(yesterday.toLocalDate())) {
return "Yesterday ";
} else if (dateTime.toLocalDate().equals(twodaysago.toLocalDate())) {
return "2 days ago ";
} else if (dateTime.toLocalDate().equals(tomorrow.toLocalDate())) {
return "Tomorrow ";
} else {
return date;