Is there an example implementation of weak events using .NET\'s WeakEventManager?
I\'m trying to implement it by following the \"Notes to Inheritors\" in the documentati
I figured it out on my own following the guidelines in the "Notes for Inheritors" section of the WeakEventManager documentation. Here's a basic implementation of WeakEventManager
. The class sourcing the event is named PropertyValue
and the event is named Changed
public class PropertyValueChangedEventManager : WeakEventManager
public static PropertyValueChangedEventManager CurrentManager
var manager_type = typeof(PropertyValueChangedEventManager);
var manager = WeakEventManager.GetCurrentManager(manager_type) as PropertyValueChangedEventManager;
if (manager == null)
manager = new PropertyValueChangedEventManager();
WeakEventManager.SetCurrentManager(manager_type, manager);
return manager;
public static void AddListener(PropertyValue source, IWeakEventListener listener)
CurrentManager.ProtectedAddListener(source, listener);
public static void RemoveListener(PropertyValue source, IWeakEventListener listener)
CurrentManager.ProtectedRemoveListener(source, listener);
protected override void StartListening(object source)
((PropertyValue)source).Changed += DeliverEvent;
protected override void StopListening(object source)
((PropertyValue)source).Changed -= DeliverEvent;