Is there a way to disable automatic retry with ActiveJob and Sidekiq ?
I know that with Sidekiq only, we just have to put
sidekiq_options :retry => f
I had this same need, ie ActiveJob wrapping Sidekiq but wanting to support max_retries. I put this in an initializer. If #max_retries is defined on an ActiveJob job, it will be used to set retries. If #ephemeral? is defined and returns true, job will not be rerun and will not be transferred to 'dead' if it fails.
class Foobar::SidekiqClientMiddleware
def call(worker_class, msg, queue, redis_pool)
aj_job = ActiveJob::Base.deserialize(msg['args'][0]) rescue nil
msg['retry'] = aj_job.respond_to?(:max_retries) ? aj_job.max_retries : 5
msg['retry'] = false if aj_job.respond_to?(:ephemeral?) && aj_job.ephemeral?
Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
config.redis = { url: "redis://#{redis_host}:6379/12" }
config.client_middleware do |chain|
chain.add Foobar::SidekiqClientMiddleware
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.redis = { url: "redis://#{redis_host}:6379/12" }
config.client_middleware do |chain|
chain.add Foobar::SidekiqClientMiddleware
Note: it actually is important to add this to the middleware chain for both client and server if any of your jobs create new jobs themselves as they are executed.