I need to deploy a list of GCP compute instances. How do I loop for_each through the "vms" in a list of objects like this:
"gcp_zone": &q
Seem's like I found what to do. If you pass not the maps of maps but the list of maps you can use such code
resource "google_compute_instance" "node" {
for_each = {for vm in var.vms: vm.hostname => vm}
name = "${each.value.hostname}"
machine_type = "custom-${each.value.cpu}-${each.value.ram*1024}"
zone = "${var.gcp_zone}"
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "${var.image_name}"
size = "${each.value.hdd}"
network_interface {
network = "${var.network}"
metadata = {
env_id = "${var.env_id}"
service_types = "${join(",",each.value.service_types)}"
It will create actual number of instance and when you remove for example middle one of three(if you create three:)), terraform will remove what we asked.