I\'m using a column chart with the Google Chart JS Api. I\'m displaying some values (total orders by day) that can only be represented as integers.
Everything is work
I'm using the Guava Multiset as my data. Cagy79's trick is the only one that I was able to get working. I also tried generating my own lines using an IntStream, but still had fractional numbers for some of the graphs. As mentioned above, just setting the format will create a graph where the hover over value and the gridline differ.
Multiset items = TreeMultiset.create();
Items added using .add and .addAll
Make sure the items are sorted:
occurrences = Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(items);
String option = "hAxis : { title : 'Count', gridlines : { count:" + ((max >=12) ? 4 : max+1) + } }")