In the AngularJS documentation, there is an explanation of the differences between a factory, a service, a value, a constant and a provider .
At the end, we have a compa
In AngularJS, you can inject dependencies in multiple ways:
function by positionType friendly injection allows you to implicity invoke a constructor function by reference:
myApp.service('Pattern', ["Infinity", RegExp]);
rather than by explicity using the new
["Infinity", function(Infinity)
return new RegExp(Infinity);
function goInfinity(Infinity)
return new RegExp(Infinity);
goInfinity.$inject = ["Infinity"];
myApp.factory('Pattern', goInfinity);
The Service recipe produces a service just like the Value or Factory recipes, but it does so by invoking a constructor with the new operator. The constructor can take zero or more arguments, which represent dependencies needed by the instance of this type.
Eager initialization means that a constant
recipe must return a constructor in order to use the aforementioned syntax:
function RegExpConstant()
return new RegExp(Infinity);
myApp.constant('Pattern', RegExpConstant)
rather than returning a function, object, or literal value.
The nomenclature comes from Java:
A service is a well-known set of interfaces. A service provider is a specific implementation of a service. A factory is an object that returns an object reference to another object
Dependency Injection in Angular 2
The main goals of Angular 2 and how they will be achieved
Vojta Jina: Dependency Injection - NG-Conf
AngularJS: Developer Guide - Providers, Service Recipe
AngularJS: The Bad Parts
Dependency Injection: Syntax Sugar Over Function Composition
ServiceFinder (JAX-WS RI)