I am getting the following error when i try triggering a build using the following command:
curl http://jenkins_server:port/jenkins/job/job_name/build?token=token_name>
I install Build Token Root Plugin to solve this issue before
Then as the same, setup Authentication Token
Finally, either use curl to trigger remote build (Be careful the escape character "\")
curl http://JENKINS_URL/buildByToken/build?job=JOB_NAME\&token=TOKEN_NAME
or paste the URL to your browser (No needs escape character "\")
If you see Succeed, it means that trigger remote Jenkins successfully.
Note that, you don't have to setup build, discover, and read rights on Job
For more information, you could reference to https://cloudbees.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204338790-Why-are-builds-not-being-triggered-with-Build-Token-Root-Plugin-