Hope someone can help me! I have made a directive wrapping the Jasny Bootstrap Plugin more specifically the input-mask thing and everything goes well!
Now I have made a
I understand what you are trying to do, however, because of the two way binding when using v-model, it may be better to just format the date as you receive it from the server, and then, use it with the desired format in your front-end app ('DD/MM/YYYY'
When sending the data back to the back-end, you just format it back to the desired server format ('YYYY-MM-DD'
In your Vue app, the work flow would be something like this:
new Vue({
el: 'body',
data: {
date: null,
methods: {
getDataFromServer: function() {
// Ajax call to get data from server
// Let's pretend the received date data was saved in a variable (serverDate)
// We will hardcode it for this ex.
var serverDate = '2015-06-26';
// Format it and save to vue data property
this.date = this.frontEndDateFormat(serverDate);
saveDataToServer: function() {
// Format data first before sending it back to server
var serverDate = this.backEndDateFormat(this.date);
// Ajax call sending formatted data (serverDate)
frontEndDateFormat: function(date) {
return moment(date, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('DD/MM/YYYY');
backEndDateFormat: function(date) {
return moment(date, 'DD/MM/YYYY').format('YYYY-MM-DD');
This works well for me, hope it helps.
Here is a fiddle for it:
Syntax UPDATE:
methods: {
getDataFromServer() {
// Ajax call to get data from server
// Let's pretend the received date data was saved in a variable (serverDate)
// We will hardcode it for this ex.
const serverDate = '2015-06-26'
// Format it and save to vue data property
this.date = this.frontEndDateFormat(serverDate)
saveDataToServer() {
// Format data first before sending it back to server
const serverDate = this.backEndDateFormat(this.date)
// Ajax call sending formatted data (serverDate)
frontEndDateFormat(date) {
return moment(date, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('DD/MM/YYYY')
backEndDateFormat(date) {
return moment(date, 'DD/MM/YYYY').format('YYYY-MM-DD')