I\'ve enabled CORS in my NestJS app following the official tutorial, so my main.ts
looks like the following:
import { FastifyAdapter, NestFactory }
If you are running NestJs with graphql you will run into a problem where Apollo server will override the CORS setting see link. This below fixed the problem. I wasted 8 hrs of my life on this. :-( I hope you see this and you don't do that. see link and link
debug: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
playground: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
typePaths: ['./**/*.graphql'],
installSubscriptionHandlers: true,
context: ({req}) => {
return {req};
cors: {
credentials: true,
origin: true,
then in your main.ts:
origin: true,
credentials: true,