By default, when you are using the flow layout in a collection view, cells are centered vertically. Is there a way to change this alignment ?
@DongXu: Your solution worked for me too. Here is the Xamarin.iOS version if it:
public class TopAlignedCollectionViewFlowLayout : UICollectionViewFlowLayout
public override UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes[] LayoutAttributesForElementsInRect(CGRect rect)
if (base.LayoutAttributesForElementsInRect(rect) is UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes[] attrs)
// Find all the cells and group them together by the rows they appear on
var cellsGroupedByRow = attrs
.Where(attr => attr.RepresentedElementCategory == UICollectionElementCategory.Cell)
// The default flow layout aligns cells in the middle of the row.
// Thus, cells with the same Y center point are in the same row.
// Convert to int, otherwise float values can be slighty different for cells on the same row and cause bugs.
.GroupBy(attr => Convert.ToInt32(attr.Frame.GetMidY()));
foreach (var cellRowGroup in cellsGroupedByRow)
return attrs;
return null;
private static void TopAlignCellsOnSameLine(UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes[] cells)
// If only 1 cell in the row its already top aligned.
if (cells.Length <= 1) return;
// The tallest cell has the correct Y value for all the other cells in the row
var tallestCell = cells.OrderByDescending(cell => cell.Frame.Height).First();
var topOfRow = tallestCell.Frame.Y;
foreach (var cell in cells)
if (cell.Frame.Y == topOfRow) continue;
var frame = cell.Frame;
frame.Y = topOfRow;
cell.Frame = frame;