I\'m stuck on a code challenge, and I want a hint.
PROBLEM: You are given a tree data structure (without cycles) and are asked to remo
Solution - Traverse all the edges, and count the number of even edges
If we remove an edge from the tree and it results in two tree with even number of vertices, let's call that edge - even edge
If we remove an edge from the tree and it results in two trees with odd number of vertices, let's call that edge - odd edge
Here is my solution in Ruby
num_vertices, num_edges = gets.chomp.split(' ').map { |e| e.to_i }
graph = Graph.new
(1..num_vertices).to_a.each do |vertex|
num_edges.times do |edge|
first, second = gets.chomp.split(' ').map { |e| e.to_i }
graph.add_edge_by_val(first, second, 0, false)
even_edges = 0
graph.edges.each do |edge|
dup = graph.deep_dup
first_tree = nil
second_tree = nil
subject_edge = nil
dup.edges.each do |e|
if e.first.value == edge.first.value && e.second.value == edge.second.value
subject_edge = e
first_tree = e.first
second_tree = e.second
if first_tree.size.even? && second_tree.size.even?
even_edges += 1
puts even_edges
Note - Click Here to check out the code for Graph, Node and Edge classes