I need to run React in production mode, which presumably entails defining the following somewhere in the enviornment:
process.env.NODE_ENV = \'production\';
Step I: Add the following to your gulpfile.js somewhere
gulp.task('apply-prod-environment', function() {
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';
Step II: Add it to your default task (or whichever task you use to serve/build your app)
// before:
// gulp.task('default',['browsersync','watch'], function() {});
// after:
gulp.task('default',['apply-prod-environment', 'browsersync','watch'], function() {});
OPTIONAL: If you want to be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you are in prod mode, you can create the following slightly enhanced task instead of the one in Step I:
gulp.task('apply-prod-environment', function() {
process.stdout.write("Setting NODE_ENV to 'production'" + "\n");
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';
if (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {
throw new Error("Failed to set NODE_ENV to production!!!!");
} else {
process.stdout.write("Successfully set NODE_ENV to production" + "\n");
Which will throw the following error if NODE_ENV is ever not set to 'production'
[13:55:24] Starting 'apply-prod-environment'...
[13:55:24] 'apply-prod-environment' errored after 77 μs
[13:55:24] Error: Failed to set NODE_ENV to production!!!!