@RepositoryEventHandler events stop with @RepositoryRestController

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 09:06:55


When I create a @RepositoryRestController for an entity, the associated @RepositoryEventHandler methods are not triggered in Spring Data REST via Spring Boot 1.4.0.M3 (also Spring Boot 1.3.5) -- is this a bug, or as designed?

I have an Account entity with an @RepositoryEventHandler:

@Slf4j @Component @RepositoryEventHandler(Account.class) public class AccountEventBridge {      @HandleBeforeCreate     public void handleBeforeCreate(Account account){         log.info("Before create " + account);     }      @HandleAfterCreate     public void handleAfterCreate(Account account){         log.info("Created " + account);     } } 

which trigger as they should when I POST:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST    -d '{"name":"aaa", "owner":{"email":"aaa@1010","password":"snap"}}'   http://localhost:8080/api/accounts 

unless I add a @RepositoryRestController:

@RepositoryRestController public class AccountRespositoryRestController {      private final AccountRepository repository;      @Autowired     public AccountRespositoryRestController(AccountRepository repository) {         this.repository = repository;     }      @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST,value = "/accounts")     public @ResponseBody PersistentEntityResource post(         @RequestBody Account account,         PersistentEntityResourceAssembler assembler) {          // ...         Account entity = this.repository.save(account);         return assembler.toResource(entity);     } } 

When I comment out the @RepositoryRestController annotation, the @RepositoryEventHandler methods trigger, again.

It seems like these should behave independently since they operate a two different conceptual layers within Spring Data REST -- or am I misunderstanding something?

If this is intentional, it's unfortunate -- I'll have to implement all HTTP methods to create the events myself for any entity with an @RepositoryRestController. Is that really the intent?


It's as implemented. :-)

The methods defined in a @RepositoryRestController implementation replace the methods in the default RepositoryEntityController which publish @RepositoryEventHandler events.

But it's easy to add these events making the @RepositoryRestControll a ApplicationEventPublisherAware implementation and publishing the events like the default RepositoryEntityController implementation:

@Slf4j @RepositoryRestController @AllArgConstructor public class AccountRespositoryRestController      implements ApplicationEventPublisherAware {      private final AccountRepository repository;     private ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;      @Override     public void setApplicationEventPublisher(         ApplicationEventPublisher publisher) {         this.publisher = publisher;     }      @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST,value = "/accounts")     public @ResponseBody PersistentEntityResource post(         @RequestBody Account account,         PersistentEntityResourceAssembler assembler) {          // ...         publisher.publishEvent(new BeforeCreateEvent(account));         Account entity = this.repository.save(account);         publisher.publishEvent(new AfterCreateEvent(entity));          return assembler.toResource(entity);     } } 

You can also inject the publisher without making the class ApplicationEventPublisherAware:

@Slf4j @RepositoryRestController @AllArgConstructor public class AccountRespositoryRestController {      private final AccountRepository repository;     private final ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;      @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST,value = "/accounts")     public @ResponseBody PersistentEntityResource post(         @RequestBody Account account,         PersistentEntityResourceAssembler assembler) {          // ...         publisher.publishEvent(new BeforeCreateEvent(account));         Account entity = this.repository.save(account);         publisher.publishEvent(new AfterCreateEvent(entity));          return assembler.toResource(entity);     } } 
