Using multiple databases with single sqlalchemy model

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 08:54:24


I want to use multiple database engines with a single sqlalchemy database model.

Following situation: I have a photo album software (python) and the different albums are stored in different folders. In each folder is a separate sqlite database with additional information about the photos. I don't want to use a single global database because with this way I can simply move, delete and copy albums on a folder base. Opening a single album is fairly straightforward:

Creating a db session:

maker = sessionmaker(autoflush=True, autocommit=False,                  extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()) DBSession = scoped_session(maker)

Base class and metadata for db model:

DeclarativeBase = declarative_base() metadata = DeclarativeBase.metadata

Defining database model (shortened):

pic_tag_table = Table('pic_tag', metadata,                       Column('pic_id', Integer,                              ForeignKey('pic.pic_id'),                              primary_key=True),                       Column('tag_id', Integer,                              ForeignKey('tag.tag_id'),                              primary_key=True))   class Picture(DeclarativeBase):     __tablename__ = 'pic'      pic_id = Column (Integer, autoincrement = True, primary_key=True)     ...   class Tags(DeckarativeBase):     __tablename__ = 'tag'      tag_id = Column (Integer, autoincrement = True, primary_key=True)     ...      pictures = relation('Picture', secondary=pic_tag_table, backref='tags')

And finally open the connection:

engine = engine_from_config(config, '...') DBSession.configure(bind=engine) metadata.bind = engine

This works well for opening one album. Now I want to open multiple albums (and db connections) the same time. Every album has the same database model so my hope is that I can reuse it. My problem is that the model class definition is inheritet from the declarative base which is connected to the metadata and the database engine. I want to connect the classes to different metadata with different enginges. Is this possible?

P.S.: I also want to query the databases via the ORM, e.g. DBSession.query(Picture).all() (or DBSession[0], ... for multiple sessions on different databases - so not one query for all pictures in all databases but one ORM style query for querying one database)


You can achieve this with multiple engines and sessions (you don't need multiple metadata):

engine1 = create_engine("sqlite:///tmp1.db") engine2 = create_engine("sqlite:///tmp2.db") Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine1) Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine2) session1 = Session(bind=engine1) session2 = Session(bind=engine2) print(session1.query(Picture).all())  # [] print(session2.query(Picture).all())  # [] session1.add(Picture()) session1.commit() print(session1.query(Picture).all())  # [Picture] print(session2.query(Picture).all())  # [] session2.add(Picture()) session2.commit() print(session1.query(Picture).all())  # [Picture] print(session2.query(Picture).all())  # [Picture] session1.close() session2.close()

For scoped_session, you can create multiple of those as well.

engine1 = create_engine("sqlite:///tmp1.db") engine2 = create_engine("sqlite:///tmp2.db") Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine1) Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine2) Session1 = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine1)) Session2 = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine2)) session1 = Session1() session2 = Session2() ...

If you have a variable number of databases you need to have open, scoped_session might be a little cumbersome. You'll need some way to keep track of them.
