ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 08:39:56


Get the above error when the execute immediate is called in a loop

Update CustomersPriceGroups set  1AO00=:disc  Where cuno=:cuno     Parameters:   disc=66 cuno=000974 Update CustomersPriceGroups set  1AP00=:disc  Where cuno=:cuno     Parameters:   disc=70.5 cuno=000974 Update CustomersPriceGroups set  1AQ00=:disc  Where cuno=:cuno     Parameters:   disc=66 cuno=000974 Update CustomersPriceGroups set  1ZA00=:disc  Where cuno=:cuno     Parameters:   disc=60 cuno=000974 

What does this mean ?

Here is the code fragment

    c:=PriceWorx.frcPriceListCustomers('020','221'); LOOP   fetch c into comno,cuno,nama,cpls;   exit when c%notfound;   dbms_output.put_Line(cuno);    g:=priceWorx.frcPriceListItemGroups('020','221');    d:=priceworx.frcCustomerDiscounts('020','221',cuno);   loop     fetch g into comno,cpgs,n;     fetch d into comno,cpls,cuno,cpgs,stdt,tdat,qanp,disc,src;     --dbms_output.put(chr(9)||cpgs);     sQ:='Update saap.CustomersPriceGroups set "'|| trim(cpgs)||'"=:disc '        || ' Where cuno=:cuno';     execute immediate sQ using disc,cuno;      commit;     dbms_output.put_line( sQ );     dbms_output.put_line( chr(9)||'Parameters:   disc='|| disc||' cuno='||cuno);     exit when g%notfound;   end loop;   close g;   close d; end loop; 


Unquoted identifiers must begin with an alphabetic character (see rule 6 here). You're trying to assign a value to a column with a name starting with a number 1AO00, 1AP00 etc.

Without seeing the table definition for CustomersPriceGroups we don't know if it has columns with those names. If it does then they must have been created as quoted identifiers. If so you'll have to refer to them (everywhere) with quotes, which is not ideal - makes the code a bit harder to read, makes it easy to make a mistake like this, and can be hard to spot what's wrong. Even Oracle say, on the same page:

Note: Oracle does not recommend using quoted identifiers for database object names. These quoted identifiers are accepted by SQL*Plus, but they may not be valid when using other tools that manage database objects.

In you code you appear to be using quotes when you assign sQ, but the output you show doesn't; but it doesn't have the saap. schema identifier either. That may be because you're not running the version of the code you think, but might just have been lost if you retyped the data instead of pasting it - you're not showing the earlier output of c.cuno either. But it's also possible you have, say, the case of the column name wrong.

If the execute is throwing the error, you won't see the command being executed that time around the loop because the debug comes after it - you're seeing the successful values, not the one that's breaking. You need to check all the values being returned by the functions; I suspect that g is returning a value for cpgs that actually isn't a valid column name.

As @ninesided says, showing more information, particularly the full exception message, will help identify what's wrong.


check your query for double comma.

insert into TABLE_NAME (COLUMN1, COLUMN2,,COLUMN3) values(1,2,3); 

(there is extra comma after COLUMN2).

Update: recently (some people have special talents) i succeed to get same exception with new approach:

update TABLE_NAME set COLUMN1=7, set COLUMN2=8 

(second SET is redundant)


It means that the Oracle parser thinks that one of your columns is not valid. This might be because you've incorrectly referenced a column, the column name is reserved word, or because you have a syntax error in the UPDATE statement that makes Oracle think that something which is not a column, is a column. It would really help to see the full statement that is being executed, the definition of the CustomersPriceGroups table and the full text of the exception being raised, as it will often tell which column is at fault.


In addition to reasons cited in other answers here, you may also need to check that none of your table column names have a name which is considered a special/reserved word in oracle database.

In my case I had a table column name uid. uid is a reserved word in oracle and therefore I was getting this error.

Luckly, my table was a new table and I had no data in it. I was a able to use oracle DROP table command to delete the table and create a new one with a modified name for the problem column.

I also had trouble with renaming the problem column as oracle wouldn't let me and kept throwing errors.


if you add a extra "," at the end of the set statement instead of a syntax error, you will get ORA-01747, which is very very odd from Oracle e.g

  update table1    set col1 = 'Y', --this odd 1   where col2 = 123   and col3 = 456  


The cause may also be when you group by a different set of columns than in select for example:

select tab.a, tab.b, count(*) from ... where... group by tab.a, tab.c; 


And I was writing query like. I had to remove [ and ]

UPDATE SN.TableName  SET [EXPIRY_DATE] = systimestamp + INTERVAL '12' HOUR,  WHERE [USER_ID] ='12345' 

We recently moved from SQL Server to Oracle.
