I have a redux-form called addContactForm
. This form listens to some actions in my application through a plugin. See code below for an illustration:
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; import { reducer as reduxFormReducer } from 'redux-form' import AddContactFormPlugin from './add-contact-form-plugin'; const rootReducer = combineReducers({ form: reduxFormReducer.plugin({ addContactForm: AddContactFormPlugin }) }); export default rootReducer;
import { SET_CURRENT_CONTACT, CLEAR_CURRENT_CONTACT } from '../constants'; export default function (state, {type, payload}) { switch (type) { case SET_CURRENT_CONTACT: // !!! MY PROBLEM IS ON THE NEXT LINE return {...state, values: { ...payload }}; case CLEAR_CURRENT_CONTACT: return {...state, values: getEmptyValues()}; default: return state; } } function getEmptyValues() { return { firstName: '', lastName: '', phone: '' } }
To clarify what is happening here: when the action with type SET_CURRENT_CONTACT flows into this reducer, I set the form values to those of the contact person that was selected by the user. This part works correctly.
HOWEVER, the form is now marked as !pristine && dirty. As a result, my submit button is not disabled, which it actually should be until the user decides to make any changes.
So my question is: how can I update the form state so that it is marked as pristine?
(or invalid I guess, but pristine feels like a better option)
I have tried simply setting the value in the state object but this is not doing anything: return {...state, values: { ...payload }, pristine: true };
If I am using the wrong approach here, I would also appreciate being pointed into the right direction.