Library not loaded: @rpath/libopenblasp-r0.2.19.dylib

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 07:50:05


How should I fix this?

Monas-MacBook-Pro:02_02 mona$ python Python 3.6.1 |Anaconda custom (x86_64)| (default, May 11 2017, 13:04:09)  [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import cv2 Traceback (most recent call last):   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ImportError: dlopen(/Users/mona/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/, 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/libopenblasp-r0.2.19.dylib   Referenced from: /Users/mona/anaconda/lib/libopencv_hdf.3.2.0.dylib   Reason: image not found 

Installed opencv using:

conda install -c conda-forge opencv=3.2.0  

and even tried:

$ conda install -c anaconda openblas=0.2.19 Fetching package metadata ........... Solving package specifications: .  Package plan for installation in environment /Users/mona/anaconda:  The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:      libgfortran: 3.0.0-1       anaconda        openblas:    0.2.19-1      anaconda     The following packages will be SUPERSEDED by a higher-priority channel:      conda:       4.3.22-py36_0 conda-forge --> 4.3.22-py36_0 anaconda     conda-env:   2.6.0-0       conda-forge --> 2.6.0-0       anaconda  Proceed ([y]/n)? y  conda-env-2.6. 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00  90.59 kB/s libgfortran-3. 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00 387.65 kB/s openblas-0.2.1 100% |################################| Time: 0:01:03 107.62 kB/s conda-4.3.22-p 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00 596.24 kB/s 

But still the same error. Here's the output of my conda list How should I fix it so that I can import cv2?



it seems that you do not have openblas installed, which is a required module of opencv, but somehow is not included in its dependencies so you have to install it manually, you may confirm this with conda list|grep openblas

If you do not have openblas, install it using following command: conda install -c conda-forge openblas=0.2.19

Hope that helps
